Understanding why corporations partner with academia can elude some industries. The long term investment that generates innovation can differentiate proactive and reactive companies granting a competitive advantage and majority market share. https://monsanto.com/company/articles/monsanto-work-academics/
Groups of ants follow trails created by other ants that can cover vast distances. When the trail becomes disturbed, ants find the easiest way back to the trail not necessarily the fastest, thus spending more time but using less energy. When unexpected hurdles arise in a project, team leaders often try to tackle problems head on, but if they would take a step back and look at the situation more broadly, they might discover a new path that may take more time but could save resources while maintaining quality output. For example, Microsoft rushed to release the Xbox 360 competitively with the Sony PlayStation 2 causing them to release a malfunctioning, suboptimal product costing the company billions and brand integrity.
How can you apply this ideology to help you decide on a course of action with your project?
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